(281) 363-4141

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Did you know that up to 85% of web users find the information they are seeking via 15 major search engines? And that these same users then make purchasing decisions based off the information they find? Read more about Search Engine Optimization...

Website Design

Coupled with our web and graphics design background, ProLinks takes a sales-focused approach to your web design. Whether your need is new web design or an overhaul of your existing web site design, the most important aspect is getting results. Read more about Web Design...

Creative Marketing Concepts

Compelling creative will drive your customer to take action. So although it pays to look great and capture attention, you want results. And that's what we do for you. Whatever the desired objective, we build the creative around the results you need to grow your business. Read more about Creative Marketing...

Strategic Business Services

With an ever-changing marketing landscape, it's comforting to have someone supporting you who is ahead of the process, always strategizing to push your brand to its fullest potential. While you're busy running your company, we're digging, watching, listening, researching, planning, and caring for your brand. Read more about Strategic Business Services...

Directories vs. Search Engines

Directories vs. Search Engines

What is the difference between a directory and a search engine? Aren't they the same thing? The answer is no, but both are equally critical to achieving top rankings.

Search engines use computer programs known as "bots" or "spiders" to crawl the Internet looking for individual web pages to index into their databases. Each major search engine uses a complex set of algorithms and link popularity weighting to determine your page and site relevancy. Matching closely with the search engine's protocol can help you secure top ranking spots. Not aligning with the set protocols can result in low rankings or in some cases having pages removed from the search engine's database.

Directories operate somewhat differently. They usually involve human interaction with your site or pages. Known as an editor, this person will determine if your site meets the guidelines of their particular directory and also the category in which you want to reside. It is of utmost importance that your site be properly optimized for a directory prior to the submission process.

Improper directory optimization can cause a number of problems, including being placed in the wrong category. If the editor cannot easily determine the relevancy of your site by looking at the title and description, misplacement or even omission from the directory is likely.

A major online directory, such as Yahoo, can deliver boatloads of traffic. So it's important your site be optimized and categorized properly to take advantage of a potentially huge audience of users.

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How Can ProLinks Help You?

Contact ProLinks to discuss how we can help you build online presence and help your business. Call 281-363-4141 to speak with one of our qualified professionals.